

Old Fella Burke County
Animal Rescue
PO Box 1437,
Waynesboro, GA 30830
(888) 846-3792

Old Fella is a 501(c)(3)
nonprofit; donations are
tax deductible to the extent
the law allows.


Old Fella's Dixie Dogs

Sept. 28- Oct.1, 2007
Transport #2

On our second Dixie Dog Transport, 4 volunteers took 14 dogs north. One dog, Zoe, was headed to Blue Ridge Border Collie Rescue and the other 13 were headed to wonderful lives in New England.

The van was bigger giving us more room to move around. Having the first trip "under our belts", we knew what to expect, what worked and what didn't. This trip went very smooth. Having a fourth person was great. Each "pit stop" for the dogs took approx. 40 minutes, which was about the same as our first trip, but with more dogs.
Some of the lessons we learned after the first trip helped and some didn't. After the first trip we found that puppy pads turned into snow with bored pups. This trip we decided to use newspaper. Newspaper does not fair better. If anyone needs any shredded newspaper to stuff anything with, just call on the wondeful Dixie Dog pups.

A first for some of our volunteers, lobster dinner for a reward. Boy, were they tasty!! Thanks to Lisa and Lane from Cheney Companies in Newmarket, NH for putting us up for the night. The Best Western doesn't have anything on you!


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